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- Vietcong CZ 52
- Unreal 2: the Awakening 52
- Chaster 52
- Will Rock 52
- Galactic Civilizations 52
- 1602 A. D. 14
- 2002 FIFA World Cup 41
- 3D Frog Man 3
- 3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride 21
- 3D Ultra Radio Control Racers Deluxe 21
- 3D Ultra Train Town Deluxe 22
- Ablaze Ball 33
- Abomination 10
- Age of Empires II 12
- Age of Empires II: The Conquerors 22
- Age of Wonders (NovΘ demo) 15
- Age of Wonders 2 42
- Akuma 18
- Alien Nations 10
- Aliens vs. Predator (Alien) 4
- Aliens vs. Predator 2 33
- Allegiance 15
- Alone in the Dark IV 32
- Alpha Centauri 3
- Anachronox 32
- Anno 1503 49
- Apache vs. Havoc 5
- Aquanox 36
- Arcade Pool 2 9
- Argo 4
- Archangel 46
- Armored Fist 3 12
- Army Men 40
- Army Men Air Tactics 16
- Asghan 2
- Asterix Mega Madness 30
- Asterix: Gallic War 23
- Baldur's Gate (nehratelnΘ demo) 0
- Battle Isle: The Andosia War 25
- Battlefield 1942 45
- Beach Head 2000 30
- Beetle Crazy Cup 17
- Betty Bad 38
- Big Scale Racing 43
- BigBang 13
- Black Crypt 20
- Blair Witch Volume 2: The Legend of Coffin Rock 24
- Blitzkrieg 50
- Blood 2 1
- Brßny Skeldalu 1
- Braveheart 7
- Breakneck 7
- Bust A Move 4 16
- Bustem 37
- Caesar III 0
- Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now 0
- Carnivores 2
- Castrol Honda Superbike 2000 8
- Clive Barker's Undying 29
- Close Combat III 3
- Close Combat IV 13
- Codename Eagle 16
- Colin McRae Rally 2.0 26
- Colobot 34
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun 14
- Commandos: Beyond The Call of Duty 3
- Commanche 4 36
- Conflict: Desert Storm 45
- Corsairs 6
- Counter-Strike 25
- Crazy Taxi 44
- Cricket World Cup '99 10
- Crimson Skies 24
- Croc 2 16
- Crusaders of Might and Magic 14
- Cue Club 17
- Cultures 2 41
- Cutthroats 10
- Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis 39
- Dark Reign 2 23
- Darkstone 11
- Dead Reckoning 2
- Deer Hunter 2 4
- Delta Force 1
- Delta Force: Black Hawk Down 44
- Delta Force: Black Hawk Down 48
- Delta Force: Land Warrior 23
- Demise 17
- Demolition Racer 14
- Descent 3 6
- Descent 3 3
- Descent Freespace 2 9
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive 29
- Deus Ex 22
- Deus Ex 20
- Devil Inside 18
- Diablo II 27
- Die Hard: The Nakatomi Plaza 38
- Dino Crisis 21
- Dirt Track Racing 12
- Drakan: Order of the Flame 7
- Dreamland 5
- Driver 11
- Driver (rolling demo) 3
- Droidworks 11
- DTR Australia 38
- Ducati 38
- Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project 43
- Dungeon Siege 41
- Earth 2150 17
- Earth 2150 (nehratelnΘ) 15
- Echelon 30
- Echelon: Wind Warriors 50
- Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom 44
- Empire Earth 35
- Enclave 49
- Enigma: Rising Tide 51
- Escape from Monkey Island 24
- Eternal War: Shadows of Light 51
- Euro 2000 19
- EuroLeague Football 19
- Even More Contractions 32
- Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul 28
- Evolva 17
- Excessive Speed 3
- Expendable 6
- Extreme Biker 13
- F1 2002 42
- F1 Racing Championship 27
- F-16 Multirole Fighter 0
- Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel 27
- FIFA 2000 12
- FIFA 2001 25
- FIFA 2002 35
- FIFA Football 2003 46
- FIM GP 500 10
- Final Fantasy VIII 14
- Flanker 2.0 13
- Flying Heroes 20
- Force 21 9
- Freedom Force 40
- Freelancer 50
- Gabriel Knight III 13
- Gangsters 2 31
- Gangsters: Organized Crime 3
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto 28
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto 27
- Gladiators 44
- Global Operations 39
- Grid of Fury 38
- Ground Control 20
- Gruntz 3
- GTA 2 11
- Guardian of Darkness 5
- Gungan Frontier 11
- Gunman Chronicles 26
- Gunner 2 49
- GunShip! 19
- Half-Life 4
- Half-Life: Opposing Force 17
- Harbinger 51
- Hardwar 0
- Heavy Gear II 1
- Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 22
- Hellboy 23
- Hell-Copter 6
- Heretic (shareware) 2
- Heretic II 1
- Heroes of Might and Magic III 6
- Hidden & Dangerous 6
- High Heat Baseball 2000 5
- High Heat Baseball 2001 17
- Highland Warriors 45
- Hitman 2: Silent Assasin 45
- Homeworld 11
- HorkΘ lΘto 2 8
- Hunt for Red Baron 19
- IGI 2: Covert Strike 48
- Il-2 Sturmovik 33
- Imperialism 2 4
- Imperium Galactica II 15
- Imperium Galactica III: Genesis 43
- Incoming Forces 38
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 13
- Industry Giant 2 43
- Infestation 21
- Interstate '82 14
- Invictus 17
- Israeli Air Force 0
- Italian Job 43
- Jagged Alliance 2 0
- Jakkal 14
- James Bond 007: Nightfire 46
- Jane's Fleet Command 10
- Jane's USAF 12
- Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II 11
- Ka-52 Team Alligator 16
- Kingpin 5
- King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity 2
- Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child 21
- Klingon Academy 17
- Klingon Honor Guard 1
- Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns 29
- Lander 4
- Leadfoot 31
- Legends of Might and Magic 30
- Line of Sight: Vietnam 51
- Links Extreme 7
- Links LS 99 3
- Live Wire! 5
- Magic the Gathering 50
- Magix Music Maker, Music Studio 5
- Machines 4
- Majesty 14
- Malkari 5
- Marbles Deluxe 37
- Max Payne 33
- MDK 2 20
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault 37
- Mega Racer 3 36
- MechWarrior 4 27
- MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries 47
- Mechwarrior III 5
- Mechwarrior IV 24
- Merchant Prince II 30
- Metal Fatigue 17
- Metal Gear Solid 24
- MHL 96 9
- Microsoft Baseball 2001 18
- Microsoft Motocross Madness 0
- Microsoft Pandora's Box 8
- Midtown Madness 9
- Mig Alley 10
- Mike Steward's Pro Bodyboarding 3
- Mindrover 14
- Missile Command 16
- Mobile Forces 40
- Monopoly Tycoon 37
- Moon Tycoon 35
- Mortyr 11
- Moto GP 43
- Motocross Madness 2 20
- Mysteries of Sith 11
- Myth II: Soulblighters 2
- N.I.C.E. 2 3
- Nascar 2000 17
- Nascar 2002 37
- Nascar Racing 3 15
- NBA Live 2000 12
- NBA Live 2001 28
- NBA Live 99 3
- Need for Speed 3 0
- Need for Speed 4 7
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 46
- Need for Speed: Porsche 2000 18
- Neocron 43
- New World Order 42
- Next Generation Tennis 42
- NFL Fever 2000 10
- NHL 2000 11
- NHL 2001 24
- NHL 2003 44
- NHL 94 9
- No One Lives Forever 23
- No One Lives Forever 2 44
- North vs. South 5
- Nox 16
- Oni 27
- Operation Flashpoint 29
- Operation Flashpoint (multiplayer demo) 34
- Operation Flashpoint: Resistance 44
- Original War 27
- Outcast 8
- Panzer Elite 9
- Panzer General 3D 8
- Panzer General III: Scorched Earth 23
- Parsec 17
- Patrician 2 34
- Penguin Puzzle 37
- Pharaoh 12
- Pinky and The Brain World Conquest 17
- Piranha 4
- Platoon 46
- Pocket Tanks 35
- Polda 1
- Polda 2 13
- Polda 3 25
- Pong 3D 12
- Populous: The Beginning 1
- Posel Boh∙ 3
- Poselstvφ tr∙nu 2: Legenda 45
- Post Mortem 47
- Praetorians 48
- Premier Manager 3 5
- Prince of Persia 3D 11
- Pro Pinball 17
- Project Starmaggedon 40
- Purge 51
- Q2 western 5
- Quake III: Arena 13
- Quake III: Team Arena 27
- Quest for Glory V (novΘ demo) 4
- Rage of Mages 0
- Rage of Mages 2 8
- Railroad Tycoon II (novΘ demo) 4
- Railroad Tycoon II: Second Century 6
- Rails Across America 31
- Rally Championship 17
- Rally Championship 2000 11
- Rally Championship Xtreme 33
- Rally Trophy 35
- Raven Shield 47
- Rayman 2 12
- Real War 32
- Rebel Assault 2 11
- Red Ace Squadron 37
- Red Faction (worldwide demo) 34
- Redline 3
- Redline 2
- Remote Assault 31
- Renegade Multiplayer 39
- Requiem (novΘ demo) 5
- Requiem: Avenging Angel 4
- Resident Evil 2 2
- Resident Evil 3 24
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein (multiplayer demo) 34
- Revenant 9
- Re-Volt 7
- Rhem 50
- Ricochet 38
- Rilroad Tycoon II 0
- Rival Realms 5
- Robin Hood 46
- Robin Hood: Legenda Sherwoodu 48
- Rocket Elite 37
- Rogue Spear 11
- Rogue Squadron 11
- Roland Garros 2001 31
- Rollcage 4
- Rollcage Stage II 17
- RollerCoaster Tycoon II 47
- RollerCoaster Tycoon II (novΘ demo) 4
- Rune 25
- S.W.I.N.E. 36
- Sabotage 49
- Sacrifice 25
- Seed 10
- Sega Swirl 16
- Septera Core 10
- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter 37
- Settlers III 1
- Settlers IV 30
- Seven Kingdoms 2 9
- Shadow Company 6
- Shadow Man 9
- Shadow Watch 17
- Shadows of the Empire 11
- Shagal: Second Dynasty 14
- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division 9
- Shogun: Total War 15
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri 2
- Sierra Fishing 4
- SimCity 3000 3
- Soldier of Fortune 15
- Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix 41
- Soul Reaver II 36
- Space 38
- Space Bunnies Must Die! 6
- Spec Ops 2 12
- Speed Busters 0
- Speed Thief 32
- Spirit of Speed 1937 13
- Sports Car GT 5
- Star Monkey 33
- Star Trek Away Team 30
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen 22
- Star Trek: Armada 19
- Star Trek: Armada II 36
- Star Trek: Bridge Commander 39
- Star Trek: New Worlds 21
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command 8
- Star Wars: Dark Forces 11
- Star Wars: Episode I Phantom Menace 8
- Star Wars: Episode I Racer 8
- Star Wars: Epizoda I Racer 11
- Star Wars: Epizoda I Skrytß Hrozba 11
- Star Wars: Force Commander 18
- Starlancer 20
- Strange Adventures in Infinitive 38
- Street Wars 6
- Stronghold 34
- Stronghold: Crusader 44
- Stupid Invaders 22
- Submarine Titans 18
- Submarine Titans 7
- Sudden Strike 17
- Sudden Strike 12
- Sudden Strike 24
- Sudden Strike II 41
- Summoner 28
- Super 1 Karting 17
- Superbike 2000 16
- Superbike 2001 23
- SW Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 41
- SWAT 3 13
- Swedish Toca 14
- SystΘm Shock 2 9
- Takeda 35
- Tank Racer 5
- Tanktics 5
- Taxi 2 22
- Team Factor 40
- Terminus 21
- Test Drive 6 14
- Test Drive Le Mans 17
- Test Drive Off-Road 3 14
- The Rage 37
- The Rift 16
- The Sums of All Fear 42
- The Typing of the Dead 27
- The Watchmaker 27
- Thief 2: The Metal Age 14
- Thief Gold 11
- Thief: The Dark Project 4
- Thief: The Dark Project 2
- Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon 28
- Throne of Darkness 34
- Tie Fighter 11
- Time Machine 18
- TOCA 2 3
- TOCA Race Driver 42
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 35
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 0
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield 50
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 48
- Tomb Raider 2 Gold 6
- Tomb Raider III 1
- Tomb Raider IV 12
- Tomb Raider IV: Lost Artifact 16
- Tomb Raider IV: Lost Artifact (Demo2) 14
- Tomb Raider: Chronicles 26
- Tonic Trouble 2
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 42
- Total Soccer 2000 16
- Tower of Ancients 16
- TR3: South Pacific 4
- Traffic Giant 21
- Tread Marks 16
- Triple Play 2001 18
- Trophy Buck 3
- Tropico 31
- Tropico 2: Pirate Cove 51
- Turok 2 4
- Unreal Tournament (3Dfx) 11
- Unreal Tournament 2003 45
- Uprising 2 1
- Uprising 2 (novΘ demo) 4
- Urban Chaos 13
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption 21
- Ve stφnu havrana 7
- Vietcong 48
- Virtual Sailor 15
- Virtual Tennis 4
- V-Rally 5
- V-Rally 2 23
- WarBirds III 32
- Warcraft III 47
- Warhammer 40 000: Chaos Gate 2
- Warhammer: Rites of War 8
- Warlords Battlecry 19
- Warzone 2100 5
- Warzone 2100 (multiplyer) 3
- Warzone 2100 (singleplayer) 3
- WCW Nitro 4
- Wing Commander: Secret Ops 0
- World of Outlaws 49
- World War II Fighters 1
- Worms: Armageddon 4
- X BtF 5
- X Games Pro Boarder 2
- X-Tension 17
- X-Wing Alliance 11
- X-Wing Alliance 5
- X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter 11
- Yoda Stories 11
- Z: Steel Soldiers 30
- Zeus: Master of Olympus 25
- Zoo Tycoon 35
- Colin McRae Rally 3 53
- Ghost Master 53
- Breed 53
- Next Generation Tennis 2003 53
- Port Royale 53
- Lionheart 54
- XIII 54
- Tron 2.0 54
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 54
- Homeworld 2 55
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 55
- NHL 2004 55
- Mall Tycoon 2 55
- Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria 55
- Worms 3D 56
- UFO: Aftermath 56
- FIFA Football 2004 56
- Lock On: Modern Air Combat 56
- Freedom Fighters 56
- The Return of the King 56
- Cold Zero: the Last Stand 57
- Contract J.A.C.K. 57
- Halo: Combat Evolved 57
- Korea: Forgotten Conflict 57
- Deus Ex: Invisible War 57
- Chicken Shoot X-mas 2003 57
- Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne 57
- Armed & Dengerous 59
- Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon 59
- Firestarter 59
- Chicago 1930 59
- Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps 60
- Hidden & Dangerous 2 60
- Unreal Tournament 2004 60
- Colin McRae Rally 04 61
- kill.switch 61
- Sacred 61
- Syberia II 61
- UFO: Alien Invasion 61
- Chicken Shoot Easter Egg 62
- The I of the Dragon 62
- ToCA: Race Driver 2 62
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (SP/MP) 62
- Hitman: Contracts 63
- Neighbours from Hell 2 63
- UEFA Euro 2004 63
- Alida 64
- Ground Control 2 64
- Chaos League 64
- Juiced 64
- Transport Giant 64
- Arena Wars (SP/MP) 65
- Codename: Panzers (demo #2) 65
- Gooka 2: zßhada Janatrisu 65
- Mashed 65
- Worms Forts: Under Siege 65
- Armies of Exigo 66
- Blitzkrieg: Ostfront-Barbarossa 66
- Evil Genius 66
- FIFA Footbal 2005 66
- Xpand Rally (SP/MP) 66
- Call of Duty: United Offensive 67
- Footbal Manager 2005 67
- Richard Burns Rally 67
- Shade: Hn∞v And∞l∙ 67
- Atlantis Evolution 68
- Flat Out 68
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 68
- Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (MP) 68
- Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile 69
- MTX Mototrax 69
- Santa Claus in Trouble ... Again! 69
- Ski Alpin 2005 69
- Zoo Tycoon 2 69